Let me say that obviously we saw some improvement, because you finally recognized, Mr. Minister, the need to recognize the historical significance of the reality of the role Quebec plays in this country. So on that side of the bill, we're....I don't want to go too far, because you didn't go far enough in that regard, but it was certainly an improvement over what we had before. You just have to go a bit further. In that regard....
I'm sorry, I want to make one more point, maybe more to Mr. Lukiwski than to you. Trying to rely on this formula when you gutted the census, and every objective standard says that your analysis of what has happened to the census material.... I don't know how we're supposed to feel confident in relying on it on an ongoing basis for the future growth in the House. Anyway, that's just a comment.
My questions are more around consultation, not only with Quebec but with the other provinces. For the change whereby you would add seats in the province of Quebec, when did you consult with Quebec about that? Similarly, when did you consult with other provinces, or did you consult with any of the provinces before that change was made?