There is no way to redistribute 308 seats without taking some away from some province: somebody has to lose seats. You can't just.... If you're moving the puzzle around, they have to be moved from one province to the other, and that's one thing the Liberals aren't being up front about. Who would they take the seats away from?
If you're going to move it according to population, and you're looking at the grandfathering clause of 1985--it's what they're saying--Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba would lose seats. They're essentially being picked on by the Liberals to have seats taken away from them and given to the other provinces.
We don't think that's fair. We made a commitment that we would maintain the seats for those provinces and at the same time address the underrepresentation for the faster-growing provinces. Canadians expect that their votes should have equal value to the greatest extent possible. That's what we've done. We have brought forward this formula that is fair for all provinces. That is a commitment that we made, and we have followed through with this formula.