I'm glad we've got that clarified, because if you work backwards, since the scheduled date for rising for the end of the session is December 16 and today is November 15, we only have a limited number of committee dates to be able to examine witnesses and get the bill through all three stages: get it out of committee, back to the House, and from the House to the Senate. Royal assent has to be granted, and then, and only then, would we be in a position to give you the completed bill so that your office can begin its work. I mention that for the benefit of the committee here, to try to get a sense of the amount of work we have to do in a very limited amount of time.
Have you confidence then, Monsieur Mayrand, given the amount of work you've detailed here and some of the compressed timelines for some of the elements that your office will be required to do in terms of the administration of this, that this gives you sufficient time so that new boundaries could be in place prior to the 2015 election?