Yes, at the climate change talks it is changing. But that reputation is so powerful that even the Prime Minister and his government have not been able to tarnish it to the point that it can't be brought back. It might sound like, “What the heck is he talking about regarding the international stage and everything else?”, but all that stuff internationally comes from what happens nationally, and that takes you inside someone's capital and then into their parliament and then into the workings of that parliament, and that's right here at this committee. So that reputation that we have in the world as a beacon of democracy, as a role model for many other emerging democracies, is defined right here, Chair. I wouldn't say it's in large part, but in small part.
That's what I've always enjoyed and respected about this committee. The chair is one of the finest chairs of committees in which I've ever served, and I've been on committees for more decades than I want to admit to. This chair does a fantastic job. In fact, when I became a standing committee chair, I paid him the greatest compliment by copying some of his style, especially his particular use of humour at certain times and a good sense of knowing when to push, when to pull back, when to let the committee go crazy, when to stop them completely. I say this with all sincerity and not just as filler, Mr. Chair. I've told you personally that I have the greatest respect, even when you rule me out of order. I respect the way you approach this, and to me it's indicative of why this committee works.