—Mr. Mayrand has now confirmed that indeed the government's contention that the matter's resolved is true. Because it was Mr. Mayrand's letter that started all this, I've asked Monsieur Mayrand if are there any outstanding issues, and I'm advised by him that the matter is resolved. Therefore, as far as I can see, Chair, unless someone can point out to me what unresolved work we have, the instant case in front of us is resolved and we can put “done” on that file.
Then what's left is the question of any potential changes that we might want to make to the legislation as a result of this, and we need to determine whether we're going to do that on our own and continue, and offer a resolve to the Speaker or recognize that these matters are touched on in Bill C-23, and let this be subsumed by that discussion.
To me, what's left to be resolved, Chair, is the issue of any recommendations or changes and when we might look at those. But as to the case that's in front of us, it's old.