Getting better. Last time it was an impasse. I'm back to a motion, so I'm gaining ground, gaining ground. I've got the lead spokesperson on the government side supporting my first bullet point. I'm back to having a real motion and not being considered just an impasse. I'm making great gains here, great gains. Well worth keeping going.
Okay, speaking of keeping going, Chair, I know you want to run a tight ship, so I will continue with my quote and get on with it.
By the way, Chair, just for reference, this again is Mr. Adam Shedletzky. He's a co-founder of Leadnow and he has issued this public statement. I'm just in the process of reading it so I'll continue:
This is a completely unacceptable level of public awareness for a bill that is so fundamental to our democracy. A bill that changes the voting rules so that 120,000 Canadians would not be able to vote in 2015 the way they voted in 2011. A bill that does not give Elections Canada the most significant power they requested to address voter fraud—the power to compel testimony. A bill with a loophole that allows political parties to spend millions more during an election campaign. A bill that empowers the winner of the past election to appoint the polling supervisor. A bill that restricts Elections Canada from conducting innovative experiments without securing prior approval, or communicating instances of possible voter fraud or the results of investigations, publicly.
Canadians are acting through to have their voice heard, since they are not able to engage directly with this Committee through a cross-country tour. They badly want to have further consultations, and to not rush this fundamental bill through Parliament without adequate study or debate across the country.
Here is what a few Canadians have to say about how this Act is being rapidly shepherded through Parliament. These are real people, leaving real comments on Leadnow's petition site: Sharon C. The more I read about this legislation, the more concerned I become. Beverley C. Do not rush us.