No, we are not, not by a long shot.
The way we look at it at the public accounts committee is that people set their schedules from, let's say 11 o'clock to one o'clock. If we want to go past one o'clock—and sometimes we do because we want to finish up a quick piece of business—there has to be unanimous consent. There has to be unanimous consent either expressed or implied, and if there's one person who says no, then that meeting can't continue.
Now, the government can move a motion to adjourn, but they have to have the floor. They don't have the floor; I do. So I am not understanding at all how the government unilaterally can decide to extend a meeting that was scheduled to begin at 11 o'clock and end at one o'clock. We have tools for doing that, Chair.
There are two ways we make decisions in a parliamentary democracy: by unanimous consent or by a motion passed by a clear majority. Neither one of those things has happened, and it's five after one. This meeting should be over, Chair.