That's our role.
Thank you for coming today, Mr. Mayrand. Thank you for putting up with the break for votes, and thank you for putting up with all of us today. We will allow you to go.
I'd like to spend just a couple of minutes on committee business, please, if we could. I think I can make this reasonably quick.
The witness lists that we talked about for the study, we asked for them to come in and we'll ask for them to keep coming in as you get ideas for more.
We will move on trying to put together some scheduled times. Obviously, we try to put witnesses at the table who are complementary to each other, at least some multiples. If you'll allow, as we have in the past, the clerk and I will look at the witness lists as they come in and attempt to do that.
Mr. Christopherson, we spoke the other night that if we needed extended meetings or alternate meetings, we wouldn't hold ourselves just to the Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. timeframe, and it's not my intention to do so. Based on what we have, we'll make sure that that happens.
Please, keep your lists coming in so that we can get that done. We'll also make it a habit of sending you briefs as we receive them, too, so you're getting all that information as it happens.
Mr. Christopherson, you talked about a motion. I think we can get away with doing exactly what we did today. If someone was to surrender their spot when it's wanted, then that works.