Let's be clear here. I've never proposed that the VIC would be the only piece of ID. You would still have to provide another acceptable piece of ID.
Every year in Canada, three million people move. At any point in time, any piece of ID would be out of sync with the information. Even driver's licences may not have correct addresses. That's why we have a revision process that allows electors to update their address, and at some point in time during the election, I would suggest—we could have a debate on this—that the VIC is the most precise piece of ID that electors can rely on to establish their address.
There is no evidence, again, that the driver's licence is more up to date than the voter information card. Again, if you look at the data that's available, you will see that during an election campaign, during the calendar period, you can expect to have 250,000 Canadians who are moving. Many of them will not have had a chance to update their driver's licence for the purpose of voting, but they may have, through revision, updated their address correctly.