I'm saying that vouching is an essential ingredient of our system; it is very well protected under our present system. One can easily understand why there are concerns—the lacking documentation. Solve the lacking documentation issue. Deputy returning officers are very busy on election day. They see a lineup of people and they see people who need to be vouched for. They recognize the people. They know they're there with their brother, so they'll say, “Okay, you can vote. Forget the documentation. I have 20 other people in line.”
This is what happens in the reality of things. They now have to produce bingo cards. They now have to check ID. They have to check residence. These were all things that were added without any consideration by your predecessors on this committee when I told them that they should consider adding people at the polls, which is now being done—now being done. In 2006, I sounded the bell on that.