I think I alluded to loans and unpaid claims. Loans become unpaid claims after three years.
In my view this is a very good attempt to come to grips with the problem which exists when you have a regime that regulates money as well as the Canadian system does. Frankly, our system is the best in the world. It's as simple as that. This bill does not affect that in my view. The limits are increased in certain places. I find that acceptable. They do not thwart the purpose of the regime.
With respect to loans, several measures are put in place here so there is less of a need for loans as well as the fact the loans can come from financial institutions only. This is all meant to prevent the back door to the scheme that we have come up with, this very good system we have to regulate money. I think the bill is a reasonable attempt to come to grips with this.
I think your committee should be looking at this in a year or two, or several years after the next general election, to see how well people were able to adapt to that.