What's really strange is it wasn't that long ago when there was a rule eliminated. It used to be that members of Parliament and senators could submit, without a receipt, up to $25 for a cab ride if they were going somewhere, particularly to the airport. They cut that out, because they said, “Whoa, wait a minute. Who could possibly be okay with the idea of giving $25 to somebody without a receipt?” And here we are, $33 million and nobody needs to give a receipt.
You didn't mention the issue of compelling witnesses, because you were very focused on your answer. By the way, the government voted for this unanimously and said they'd have it in place months ago, but it's not in the bill, the ability of the commissioner to compel testimony. We know right now in the robocall scandal that they can't get anybody from the Conservatives to give any testimony. Where do you go if you can't get testimony and you don't have documentation? I'd like your thoughts please.