Disability is one of those things that is hard to categorize because there are so many different kinds of disabilities, and then within each kind of disability there are so many different ranges of issues. I don't have to elaborate; it's just obvious. I was thinking of one fundamental divide that I think does exist and I wanted to ask about this.
There are people who live in institutional settings and there are people who live independently. It seems to me that the issues they face are distinct. I wanted to start with the institutional settings.
Mr. Brown, in your comments a couple of questioners ago, maybe three questioners ago, you mentioned people who are in the hospital. This made me think. I know mobile polls service some institutional settings. People who are in long-term elder care, residential elder care, would have mobile polls, for example, as would prisons.
I actually don't know what the situation is with hospitals, for people who are in and out. Maybe you can tell me. What is the situation there?