I don't even know if there's a Thursday in next...no, I'll go through it.
We have certainly laid out, under the schedule you now know as Monday night, Tuesday day, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and Thursday day, the time slots. Your clerk has been absolutely amazing on the telephone in calling people to try and get them to fill those time slots.
As we suspected for the great plan of putting groups together that are like each other...and as you saw again tonight, we've had to add to a group someone who doesn't absolutely fit. We're finding that same thing. We're filling those time slots basically with what you saw and at the times that we said they would come, but I'm not going to have a meeting with one person at the end of the table, so if two cancel, I'll try to double that back and then add some more of our experts.... We have every witness who's on our list who we can possibly get here, who says yes to coming, in those time slots for the rest of this week and next week.
Are you looking for more than that? My first-born is really old and—