You know, I wouldn't have asked you either, David. You're just so grumpy.
Anyway, as it turned out, he asked me, so I thought of People First. I kind of used this as a way to advertise some of the great work People First does. This is an organization that's all about taking people with disabilities and helping them to maintain and develop their independence and their decision-making abilities. They are a really inspirational group.
Both of you guys, I'm always amazed at the great work you and the folks with you do.
We met at my constituency office and I got a lot of input that I thought was really helpful, for which I'm grateful.
I wanted to ask you about something that came up which I had not thought of until you mentioned it just now. You mentioned anxiety disorder, right? Frankly it's just one of those things that hadn't crossed my mind. I think of the things that are obvious: mobility disorders, visual impairments, and so on. Can you just tell me a bit about that?