—well prepared as Mr. Lukiwski is on this particular point of order. I just want to state what I believe is the obvious, Mr. Chair, and that is the fact that we are dealing with a motion at a time when we are attempting to deal with Bill C-23, which has some very strong timelines. By May 1, it all has to be passed through the system. It concerns me greatly. I wouldn't want to see anything that would interfere with that.
As for the motion itself, I can understand the leader of the official opposition has been ethically challenged on this particular issue, and he will get his day before the committee, I understand, before May 16. If there are motions of this nature it might be best to have them debated thoroughly if it's ruled as being in order effective May 2, after we have actually dealt with what is the most important bill, I would argue, this committee has had to deal with for many years.
I would suggest to you that we just move on, and leave it at that.