All right.
I also wanted to mention that during the 2011 elections, on the Indian reserve in my riding, I came across Ms. Michèle Audette, the president of the Native Women's Association of Canada. She did a lot of work to help women get to the polls and provide them with the necessary information. I want to pay tribute to that woman. She really went to a lot of trouble to encourage the aboriginal women of Canada to participate. I think that that is extremely important. I want to thank her very much for the work that she does.
Moreover, according to the current Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Mayrand, as well as Mr. Neufeld, Mr. Kingsley and all of the experts who have appeared, the need to provide a proof of address is what is problematical. On this, witnesses have suggested that we replace the use of vouchers, as is currently the case, by an official declaration by the voter. A person having only one piece of identity and no other document to prove his or her address could then simply sign a declaration affirming that he lives at a given address, and then vote.
According to you, can the elimination of vouching be a reasonable option?