Mr. Chair, I thought I had the floor. They talked about decorum when we came back. If there is a party that has shown no decorum in the House, it's that party. They show no decorum or respect for anybody here.
Mr. Chair, it's not hard to vote against this. In different committees there are different reasons. Mr. Lukiwski tried to explain some of them, but I can tell you a few others. The courts have tried to shelter witnesses who don't want their identity known. You know what? In this place it's not hard to deal with these necessary, few issues in camera. The vast majority are held in public with recordings, and on many occasions the NDP have wanted them televised, and they've had them televised. I don't know how you could be more open than that.
For that reason, this is a notice of motion that I think is actually not needed, and I would certainly vote against it. I don't think it's what anybody in the public has anticipated, these people holding up the committee. We could have been dealing with what they think is important two or three meetings ago, but it's their choice.
Mr. Chair, let's move on.