In all seriousness, this is so out of date with the way things are. It's an old tool that was given to the government of the day, which wants the other side...because it's always been that way, up until 2015, one of the two. And they go back and forth, wink wink, nudge nudge, don't worry, we won't wreck the stuff that really makes it cool here. Well, it's time. There are an awful lot of things that are changing, and transparency and accountability is the issue of the day. How can there be transparency and how can there be accountability when members, by law, are denied the right simply to talk about a motion they made in committee but which failed?
What possible, cataclysmic event is going to happen because of that? Only one, and it's only cataclysmic on the government side, and that is they would lose the right to keep opposition members muzzled. That's what it's about.
Mr. Lukiwski is saying, “Well, we're only going to give one quick little talk.” Again, like the previous issue, they're hoping this goes away with their majority. They can do that and they can force us on to other matters, but there is that day of reckoning and it is called an election. This is yet but one more piece of the puzzle that shows clearly this government has far more interest in maintaining and exercising power—raw, pure power—than they do the rather inconvenient niceties of democracy. They view winning as, “Well, we get to do whatever we want, we've got a majority.”