The legislation stipulates that in regions that are designated bilingual, for example regions where at least 5% of the population is made up of francophones, Elections Canada must provide services in French.
I will tell you about my personal situation. I am an elector in Tom Lukiwski's riding, whom I would like to greet in passing. During the last election, I went to the advance polls. When I went to my polling station, there were no French-language services. There was a huge fuss to figure out how I was going to be served. It was the people who were already there and who were waiting their own turn who helped me vote in French.
That is a problem that will only become worse if positions are filled based on lists provided by parties, associations and candidates.
I do not know if the candidates in my riding have a list of bilingual individuals. Perhaps Mr. Lukiwski could answer that question. It may be that in places like Regina, Lethbridge, Port au Port, Newfoundland and Labrador, candidates will not be able to provide lists of individuals who are able to fulfil their duties in French.