I think it is a great idea to make sure francophone Canadians know they have the right to vote in French all across Canada, or at least in regions that are designated bilingual.
In addition, Elections Canada has developed some tools that, I know for a fact, our communities are using. One is a guide called “Je peux voter!“ (I can vote!), for people with French as a second language. For example, a newcomer from Morocco with French as a second language, or with low literacy skills, can consult these tools developed by Elections Canada. These tools are for people with low literacy skills, and they are being used.
I know there are some kits being used in French-language schools here and there to encourage young people to set up a student council, for example. These tools educate our young people on the election process.
I always use my riding as an example. I am sorry, Mr. Lukiwski, but I happen to be a voter in your riding. That said, I have never seen a bilingual election sign in my riding. The only bilingual thing I have seen in my riding is what Elections Canada was producing. These were products you would see as you went into the polling station. I have never seen an election sign asking for people to vote for so and so in French. Mr. Lukiwski, correct me if I am wrong, but I have never seen that from any party.