Yes. The point I was trying to make is that we've heard a lot of people who say, “Well, it's too difficult. I could probably get the information, but it's just too difficult.” Frankly, I think that if someone wants to vote and believes in their right to vote and wants to participate, whatever effort it takes to produce the correct identification at the polls to confirm residency and address, which are both required to vote in a particular poll, I don't think that's too big of an effort to ask of Canadians.
One last point, because I know we're running out of time. When we talked before about the level of cooperation that you see is needed between Elections Canada and the commissioner of elections, you said you don't see anything in the act that really allows that to happen if they're moved out of Elections Canada. Is there anything in the act that you see that excludes Elections Canada from talking about investigations and this dialogue back and forth?