Thank you for the question. You'd have to go and see what the winning margins were, and there were some pretty tight margins.
I will just quote from Mr. Neufeld's report actually, which touches on that:
Times have changed, yet the basic voting services model has not. Most Canadians now vote in urban settings, at central polling locations that house many polling stations. Meanwhile, electoral law and procedures still reflect an assumption that voting occurs at single station locations in separate rural communities.
It continues, “Clearly the model is an antique. It could benefit from significant modernization”. As well, “indications of widespread and serious procedural errors in Etobicoke Centre”—which was very close—“and the national audit signal unmistakably that an overhaul is urgently required. However, built-in resistance to changing the mechanics of voting is strong.”
The two things people hate most are change and the way things are. There's always going to be resistance, and that's what hopefully this committee will resolve.