Just to clarify, Craig, and thank you, you are right. When I said “Parliament”, I misspoke. However, I still think there would be a requirement to have some approval from the government before any such undertaking would occur. We could have a debate, one which I don't wish us to engage in right now, as to whether or not the international impression would be that it is an arm of, say, the Foreign Affairs department, but I would suggest that if you believe that to be the case, even if the Chief Electoral Officer made these decisions to enter into a program of assistance internationally on his own without approval by government, he would still be viewed, I believe, by many internationally as being an arm of Foreign Affairs.
I just think it's the appropriate course of action for a government of the day to approve any such international foray by an officer of Parliament rather than giving that officer of Parliament free rein in determining where and when and what he does.