Yes. It's not really a philosophical issue; it's more a matter of practicality. I think we're all in agreement that when the leaders go in, those photo ops are needed. The only thing we were wondering is, are we setting ourselves.... That does throw people a little. That's why we have a prohibition against it happening.
This makes an exception for the leader plus the candidates. The leader we accept, but if we get into the candidates, though, some ridings end up with eight to ten candidates, and that could be fairly disruptive. If you're just thinking about the incumbent or one or two, it may not be that big a deal, but if you extend the right, it has to be for everybody on that ballot. That means you could have, theoretically, eight to a dozen sort of bits of circus happening during that time. What are your thoughts on that?
We're wondering whether that's really in the best interests of the stability of the office. We'll make the one exception, but should we maybe just hold it there?