On the same area, financing of election campaigns, this amendment speaks to the changes in Bill C-23 that substantially increase the donation that a candidate can make to their own campaign. Much as Mr. Scott noted what it means that wealthier people can donate more, I think the personal financial situation of a candidate is even more relevant.
We want Canadians of all walks of life to be able to run for Parliament on an equal playing field. Bill C-23 as now written allows a candidate to be able to increase their own donation from $1,200 to $5,000, and for party leadership candidates, from $1,200 to $25,000. These changes substantially increase the ability of wealthier Canadians to put themselves forward within their political party for leadership and on the hustings as a candidate for Parliament.
The effect of my amendment, as recommended by the organization Democracy Watch, is to delete these increases that disproportionately benefit the wealthy.