David, in all honesty, I just don't think it will be quite as complicated as you think it might be. It's just as simple as I know someone who's named David Christopherson. I may not know him well. I don't know how you define “personally” either, quite frankly, but I know you are David Christopherson. I don't need you to produce ID to me. I may not have known you well, but I know your name and I also know where you live. You may be my next-door neighbour or whatever, and that's all I'm saying, and I don't want to know where you live, frankly.
It's not meant to be complicated. It's meant to be, quite frankly, just to say, “Yes, this guy can vote, because I know he's David Christopherson; I know he lives here, so he's in a polling station; go ahead.”
Training, yes, obviously Elections Canada, when they begin their training processes, given some of the changes in the new Canada Elections Act, will probably go over that with their poll workers, but it's not meant to be complicated.