—the witch hunt I think is reaching levels that we never expected the Conservatives were capable of. That's why they keep falling in the polls, and that's why they'll be replaced next year. Canadians who are fair-minded see a witch hunt for what it is. It's when you go to the House of Commons administration and they say, “Oh yes, the NDP followed the rules”; when you go to Elections Canada and they say, “Oh yes, the NDP of course followed the rules”; and then, when you go to the BOIE and the BOIE realizes, oh gosh, yes, the NDP followed the rules, they say “Let's invent new ones and let's make them provisional.” Taking it to PROC is just a witch hunt at another level.
But it's undermining their own government. The more that people see Conservatives engaged in witch hunts rather than doing the job they were supposed to be elected to do, I think the less that Canadians will see Conservatives as a viable alternative in the next election.