All right. Thank you.
If the NDP wanted the discussion on these matters to have been held in public, as they say they're all in favour of, what would they have had to do to make that happen? Or was it even possible to have these discussions in public? Are you in a position to discuss whether they undertook any actions to try to make this public?
The point I'm getting at is that we don't know. I wish I did know. I understand this investigation and this discussion in the BOIE went on for several months. I would certainly suggest that this committee request of the Board of Internal Economy a copy of the report so that we can take a look at exactly what evidence you found when making the recommendations you did to the board to ask the NDP to repay.
I'm wondering, if the NDP was truly sincere in wanting to have all of the deliberations of this particular issue of which they've been found guilty made public, did they approach the board? Can you comment on that? Did they try to make any effort to have these deliberations in public?