Let me start by saying that it turns out that I had the English translation feed, so I hope that captured your question correctly.
This isn't an issue for the House of Lords, because the deputy Speaker is appointed separately by a simple motion in the House. There's typically an understanding between the main parties, and they sort of take turns filling the posts.
Although we don't have the language issue, I know that in the House of Commons they've now introduced a slightly complicated system for trying to get a balance of parties and a mix of sexes in the panel of the Speaker and the three deputies, so you might well find some useful help from them on how they operate that. But in the House of Lords it's done informally and the deputy Speaker, and indeed the second deputy, who are the only salaried deputies, are appointed by a simple motion in the House on the basis, in effect, of arrangements agreed to behind the scenes, or, as we put it, “through the usual channels”.