Thank you, sir.
Basically, following the events of September 25 and 26 and considering the impact they had on some members of Parliament, we had a conversation, a discussion, and a meeting with House of Commons security, with Mr. McDonell, to look at what could be done to mitigate and minimize the delays that were encountered on those days.
Among some of the issues we've been discussing, both with the House of Commons security and internally in the RCMP, is the possibility that every time there is a big motorcade coming to the Hill that might impede traffic on the Hill, instead of using the Bank Street entrance, we'd use the Elgin Street entrance. That would be the norm for the big motorcades. We did not have that in the past; it was the other way around. That's an example.
As well, the other piece is to ensure that any last-minute changes to the motorcade movements are communicated to House of Commons security. We always have an advance vehicle that shows up on the Hill five minutes ahead of time. That vehicle would be in direct contact with the House of Commons security superintendent, who is in charge of the visit on the Hill, to ensure that they can communicate any types of last-minute changes to motorcade movements, and as well, in return, receive information on any changes of activities that may be occurring on the Hill and would impede access on the Hill, either for the motorcade or members of Parliament
Those are two examples of things that we are looking at right now to minimize the impact as it was felt on September 25 and 26.
On that as well, we can tell you that for the Elgin Street entrance, there was the Rolling Rampage event on the Hill a couple of weeks ago, and that's exactly what we did. With the assistance of House of Commons security and Senate security, we had folks at the entry points at that time. It was a planned event, so we could plan accordingly. I think the flow of traffic on the Hill was not disturbed because of the event itself. There was a motorcade for the President of Finland that came to Parliament Hill on that day and things worked out fairly well.