Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, panel members, for being here today.
I think most Canadians watching this would question what a 70-second delay means when you look at all of the things taken into totality here. I respect Mr. Godin's position here that he was delayed in getting to the Hill, but there is also the issue of his safety.
There was also the issue of safety with the motorcade. I think most of us around here have been in foreign countries as part of a motorcade. I've often felt pretty fortunate not to have run over somebody the way those motorcades operate. I think the expertise and the professionalism that we see here stand out.
I think, with all due respect, that you do an excellent job, and from time to time there will be issues that develop, such as those Mr. Godin and the Speaker ran into.
I think as we work through these—and obviously you have—just the little thing about changing the gate will make a tremendous difference and, obviously, make the task at hand a whole lot simpler for the people who have to provide that security.
As we find these things, I think Canadians would watch this and say, “Well, didn't they do a pretty good job? Nobody got hurt. The motorcade got through. Mr. Godin did get to the vote on time”. The Speaker may have been a little late. I was looking at the times here, and I don't want to be critical of the Speaker, but he might have been a little late just getting to the first gate. So his delay was exasperating, and I'm not going to report that to the Speaker.
The other part I noticed in this was the construction going on at West Block. Mr. Godin in some circumstances would have been able to walk up the Hill on one side, but with the construction now that sidewalk is not available to go up. That's obviously part of the whole issue here. Mr. Godin could not have avoided the motorcade by going up the Hill on the West Block side.
I think there was the construction, and it's fair to say, as my colleague said, that the officer who had the opportunity to meet first-hand with the commissioner will probably be more respectful if that's a possibility. I'm not saying he was disrespectful, but certainly that goes through the moccasin telegraph. Everybody knows that the Hill and the parliamentarians are somewhat sacrosanct.
I really don't have any questions. I do respect Mr. Godin's position, but I'm satisfied that from time to time things just don't fall together the way everyone would hope they would. Certainly there are a variety of things here, including the construction on the Hill, that make traffic very difficult. But again, having that entrance now moved to Elgin Street eliminates the West Block construction.
The other part is when you look up here at Centre Block, you can't even go around the Centre Block and come out the other side. Maybe in normal circumstances a motorcade would go around behind and come out at Elgin Street, but now there is no opportunity for that. They'll have to come down and either circle or go down the Hill or go out Elgin Street.
I wish I knew the magic formula. I'm satisfied that the professionalism of all of the organizations here, including Mr. Vickers' people on the Hill, has gone a long ways to eliminating those issues.