Thank you for the question, and thank you for your comments in prefacing it.
I'll give you a short answer and then I'll invite my colleague Gilles Michaud to talk a little bit more about this.
As I said in my comments, this whole security undertaking is a shared responsibility. We need to communicate in advance the kinds of events that will or could reasonably be seen to risk presenting situations such as the unfortunate ones we're talking about today; these need not just to be communicated to our partners in the security business but to be disseminated to parliamentarians and senators and people who make their living on the Hill.
That's one of the key factors we're trying to achieve. There has been some measure of work done on it. The Sergeant-at-Arms, the security services of both the Senate and the House of Commons, and the RCMP have been working to get to a place in which we have a good sense of upcoming events.
I'll invite Assistant Commissioner Michaud to add to that.