I'm going to go back to some technical questions again. I have to admit that technology is not my strong suit, so I apologize if my questions are simplistic.
The concern I have here is whether there's the ability to verify that each signature is one person. I know you did address that in your opening remarks, and I know you've addressed that in response to some other questions, but I'm still left with a few questions that I'm hoping you can help me with.
You talked in a fair bit of detail about IP addresses. Certainly the idea of being able to limit it to one per IP address was talked about at our last meeting. You mentioned what you thought some of the challenges with that would be, and I understood why those would be the case. I'm wondering if something could be done maybe within the technical capabilities to raise some kind of a red flag if there was, say, a certain number, maybe it was 20 or 10, whatever it might be from the same IP address, so that you would be able to say, “Hold on a second. Maybe we should have a look at this.” Is there something that can be built in to flag it at that point? What could be done to follow up on that if that was possible?