When I was getting ready for this meeting, I talked to our IT people and asked them that very question. Unfortunately, I was unable to get an exact number. Because we launched our system in the process of completely overhauling our Web site, as I explained earlier, there was some overlap in the work involved. So it is hard to separate the tasks related to the e-petition initiative from those associated with the larger Web site project. We can say that it took 650 person-days to put the system in place over a period of 6 months. We had to devote 650 person-days to the e-petition component.
You should know that we did all the work. It was done internally, and we did not really use any outside consultants to put the system in place. But it is a matter of scale. Obviously, you have to keep in mind the fact that we were in the process of completely overhauling our Web site and information architecture, not just dealing with the e-petition component.
The maintenance issue may be of interest to you. In fact, almost no maintenance is required, given that the system practically runs itself. Of course, little glitches arise from time to time but not very many, mainly because the bulk of the software was developed internally.