Thank you very much.
I have several questions. I hope I have time for most of them.
The first one is in relation to service standards from your office with regard to responses on requests for rulings and things like that. I have to be honest. I've read through your report. I'm not as familiar with the act or the code as you are, so I want to get some sense as to what is currently in there, if anything, in relation to service standards in terms of length of time your office would be required to respond to a request for a ruling. This is very important in light of the fact that in your report you're suggesting some recommendations here that would add some very specific deadlines to complete review processes for members. You're suggesting significant lowering of the threshold for reporting of gifts, significant expansion of what constitutes a gift. There are several things in there that obviously could impact a member's ability to meet what you're requiring of them without there being some service standards in your direction.
I'm wondering what's currently in the code—