Yes, and I think it was important that we allowed that. Some members get themselves into difficulty with things that go on. I won't tell you the details, but I remember a case where a member had to pay back a whole lot of money. The board said that the member had to pay back the money. The member had made a big mistake and obviously hadn't read the rules in the manual, and the person who had allowed the claim, for quite a number of years, in fact, hadn't realized certain facts that were evident in the document, because all the facts weren't there. A mistake had been made, and the member had to pay for it.
Yes, you could say the member was at fault because he hadn't read the rules, but on the other hand, the officer didn't realize who was who on the claim form either. There was a mix-up and it led to real difficulty, and the member had to pay back a whole lot of money.
But the board heard the appeal and had the discussion with the member. I wouldn't call it a happy discussion, but it did happen, and the reason for it was made very clear.