Thank you, Dean Jutras, for appearing before this committee. I want to reiterate what many of my colleagues around this table have indicated. We are incredibly impressed and thank you for putting yourself forward in public service in advancing this process that we are constitutionally bound to do.
I want to get back to some of your opening comments with respect to your experience, particularly as it relates to your experience in constitutional law. I note that you put on the record that this is not necessarily your core professional competence and that you focus more on civil procedure and law of contracts. I do want to explore your experience in the area of constitutional law in particular.
I recall in your opening remarks that you indicated this was a focus of your graduate work at Harvard Law School, and I note that you are a recipient of the Frank Knox scholarship, a very prestigious scholarship. I think my brother has one. I want to know more specifically about some of the research that you did, and how that might inform you in terms of the work you are doing now for this advisory board.