I appreciate that. Thank you.
Maybe we'll move to another area that I think is fairly important. There's this idea of consultations that will take place with various groups in the transitional process, and I'll quote from it. It “could include groups which represent”, and then it has a variety of different groups it could represent. Then it indicates that would be to ensure that “a diverse slate of individuals, with a variety of backgrounds, skills, knowledge” are brought forward.
I'm trying to get a sense of your previous experience in undertaking those types of consultations with organizations. It's a difficult situation because you have already undertaken some of the process here. I want to ask a bit about what you would or should do, but in some cases I'm going to be asking what you have done because it's already under way.
How have those consultations been undertaken? How should they be undertaken? I'll ask both, I guess.
Have groups been approached, or have they been required to apply? Based on what criteria have those groups been chosen and should those groups be chosen? How would the board interact, or has the board interacted with those groups? In your view should those groups that are participating be made public?