On the issue of foreign funds in our system, again, we had a regime in place for a very long period, and the issue truly had not come up. As I mentioned in my remarks, this is an issue that certainly has developed significantly since the last election. My point in my remarks was that the bill tries to address the issue. If the concern is about the commingling or the source of funds, you would probably need to look at a contribution regime. It could be similar to what exists for political entities, but I think serious questions would need to be asked. Given the third party's constitutional rights, do you impose the same controls on sources and impose the same amounts or limits?
I'm afraid that right now we're out of time to fix that before the next GE. I'm sorry to say that, but if it's a real concern, I don't know how this could be effectively addressed to assure that the intentions are carried through and ensure that it doesn't have negative side impacts that generate all sorts of court disputes. That's why I'm reserved on this one.