Is it to what extent it's going to improve transparency...? I think it will go quite a ways to improving it. The period only kicks in on June 30. That's the period we're talking about. We started seeing a lot of third parties advertising in only the unregulated period. They would stop when the campaign officially started, and when the spending limits and many more of the transparency requirements in the act for registration and disclosure of details about the workings of those groups would kick in. We now have more transparency in that immediate pre-writ period.
What it will mean is that you'll also have a “pre-pre-writ” period. Before June 30, advertising is still unregulated and there are very minimal requirements in terms of transparency—or none—for third parties depending on how many.... It doesn't dramatically transform transparency throughout the year, but it improves it in the immediate run-up to an election, which I think most voters would say is the most important to them. Who is trying to influence them by running a particular ad? How much money are they spending? Also, as well, potentially, where did they get that money from? In the act, there are disclosure rules that are quite important as to contributions.
It definitely improves transparency, but for a particular time period.