On the Simms protocol, very briefly, in terms of Mr. Christopherson's motion, I agree we want to get this done peacefully, but it still exists. They can continue to speak as long as they want. The minister has said she will testify whenever. We need to get this done. I agree with Mr. Graham that we've been playing this game now for months. I know Mr. Cullen has been here for most of the time during witnesses and during testimony and we're told one thing and then another thing happens.
We just want some finality to this. We want a date. We want a start and we want a finish. We want to get this done and bring this back to the House. I know the Conservatives believe it's far from a perfect bill. It's time to bring the amendments forward and it's time for them to put forward to the judges who are out there and say the reason why the government legislation is flawed and present their proposal to fix it. Now's the time to set that date because we have to move this forward.