Welcome, Elizabeth May, from the Parti vert.
Are we ready for the question on CPC-26?
(Amendment negatived [See Minutes of Proceedings])
(Clause 86 agreed to on division)
(On clause 87)
I just want to make a comment on the next two amendments, CPC-27 and CPC-28. If anyone is interested in both of these, they might want to amend the first one, because the second one won't be able to be put forward, because it's on the same line. It's talking about providing the candidate the information. The returning officer has to give the information on the addresses of all the polling stations. CPC-27 is saying they should also have to give the polling divisions at each station. The one after that says that they should also give the number of ballot boxes or any changes in the ballot boxes.
If you would like both of those ideas to be given to the candidate, you're going to have to amend the first one. Otherwise you won't be able to bring forward the second one, because it's amending the same line as the first one. That's the way I read all this last night.
It's open for discussion.