I'd say three or four things.
One is that things have changed a lot since 1979, 1984 and 1987, when I was last actively involved.
Two, I'll be very interested in the request for proposals process to see how broad, imaginative, inclusive and wise they are in meeting what you and I would regard as high standards of journalistic integrity...but interest in breadth and coverage. Through the advisory board, and then through reaching out to other people who've thought about this a lot, we'll try to get their views and try to be sure they're reflected and realize whatever decisions are made in general terms of the format, the themes, the degree of participation that'll be for that particular instance. You probably know when you do it the next time, you'll do it somewhat differently.
In the report we will file with you within five months of the conclusion of the October debates, I hope we'll cover some of those possibilities of what we've discovered and what we know that we don't know and yet remain to be discovered.