After discussing things with the Speaker, the human resources director agreed to look into finding a nanny. Naturally, I would have been responsible for paying her, as the goal was to find someone who could come to the office with me, could follow me around, could take care of Daphnée, in short someone who could come with me to Parliament. I also wanted someone who could speak French, but we were unable to find anyone.
There is now a service on the Web that is called Nannies on Call. It is offered in several cities, Toronto among others, but is not yet available in Ottawa. If this service were offered in Ottawa it would be ideal. It would allow us to have child care. The members could reserve a spot ahead of time and say, for instance, that they would need someone the following week for the entire week. The person who would be responsible for the service could reserve a certain number of babysitters according to the needs and the number of children who would be there during that week.