Thank you very much, the three of you, for coming and sharing your thoughts. It's greatly appreciated.
The Parliamentary Spouses Association does great work. Thank you for everything that has been done. I recognize what you said earlier about using travel points for coming to and from the capital based on where you live and how public disclosure affects choices about how you make the decisions about whether you come to Ottawa to see your spouse or not. Although we need disclosure, I think this may be an area we can look at.
Just out of curiosity, when you hold events for the spouses association, do you get more involvement, because of what we have talked about, by spouses who live closer to Ottawa, in Ontario, Quebec, that kind of thing, rather than out west or down east? I think it's very important that we include our spouses. I think their knowing what we do and their maybe seeing everything are very different. When you're here and experience it, you can understand.
I'm just curious whether distance is a barrier to their participating in some of the events that are held.