Quite possibly, that is exactly it. I know that because we have to travel so far. For me to come, I start ranking up in the budget, and then that is released to the media and it falls under public scrutiny how much is spent just to get someone from farther away to come visit the MP and to be here on the Hill, even for events. Yes, you bring the children less often to come see dad at work, or come see mom at work, because you know that you will be scrutinized for how much you're spending.
That could be looked at, even if it's just consolidated so that it's one bill. I think spouses are separate right now from dependants, so even to say that it's just all a family allocation, and even allowing members from farther distances a bit more latitude, but ultimately each province.... Isn't it broken down by province, and which members spend how much on travel and different things, and then that is released? It's great for accountability and we need that, but I do know that if you want to stay out of the public eye then you don't fly, and you don't come as often.