What was the response? My understanding is that we were looking to make sure that there were not going to be excuses. We wanted to check and make sure the availability would be there. Was there any indication given? I'm really quite concerned, given the past experience we've had with the Minister of Democratic Institutions, that we're going to get excuses for her not being available. I don't think that's acceptable and I want to make sure we have indicated that she needs to make herself available. We're not just saying, “We might call you.” We need to know that she is available.
The problem I have is that, in good faith I think, we as opposition members have said that we have a couple of things we're trying to finish dealing with, and that's great, let's do that. But a point of privilege is an important matter and we made it clear that those would likely be the witnesses we would call. I don't think it's appropriate for the Liberal government to then say, “We didn't really realize the minister needed to appear”, and create excuses. That's what I'm concerned will happen.
I just want to make sure that we've been clear that we intend for her to be here, and that we should be giving her this committee's schedule and saying, “Give us the dates you're available”, so we can pre-clear that.