I'm willing to take that approach. I think Mr. Reid is too. I'm hearing him. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but my sense is that he was prepared to go that way as long as we understand that if we start chasing our tail or we're going in circles or bringing in a staff person to give direct evidence that is clearly needed to assist the committee in their work, then that's where I'm going to go. Then we'll talk about how we do that because once they're there, it's a unique situation whereby all this power is in our hands and you have very few rights. You have no lawyer. You're protected from any kind of court action, based on anything you say, but nonetheless there's no bigger court than Parliament at the end of the day.
Hopefully, we have a meeting of the minds in how we're going to approach this as the details come up.
I would just come back to the point, Chair, if you're considering my request to have the chief government whip here, is it part of Mr. Reid's motion, or do I need to do a separate motion? I'm in your hands, sir.