It's one of the things you mentioned earlier on. Just before it moves on to different themes, I wanted to dwell upon it.
He quoted verbatim from The Globe and Mail article and also from the CBC coverage. Although the content overlaps very closely, the wording of it suggests to me the possibility that these might actually be two separate leaks.
It seems unlikely that someone would have said to Laura Stone and to whomever the person at CBC was, “Could you get together in one room so that we can do a conference call?” The CBC does not quote The Globe and Mail and say that it was their source, nor the reverse. This suggests to me that there were probably two leaks going on here. Up to this point, we've treated this as if it were a single leak. There may be a single leaker, don't get me wrong, but there is a possibility that these are two distinct contempts, if you will, grouped for convenience as a single contempt. I wonder if Mr. Schmale could comment a little bit on what strikes him in this regard.